Creative Multimedian :)

Archive for the ‘Website Applications’ Category


This assignment allowed me to test the skills that I have learned over the last few weeks. The project was based around data visualisation. This sketch allows the user to navigate through the three screens and find out a piece of information about a particular book either through static text or by actually inputting information to receive particular information.

Alice in wonderland

Alice in wonderland book












Great Expectations

Great Expectations book












Wuthering Heights

Wuthering Heights book












example of code

example of code

Icy Moo’s

For this project I created a website about an ice cream brand call Icy Moo’s. The graphics were created in Photoshop and Illustrator and then incorporated into Dreamweaver for the interactions.

Icy Moos animations









Icy Moos

Homepage header for Icy Moos website






Icy Moos Logo







Informootion header

"Informootion" header





Menu bar

Menu bar of Icy Moos























Its Amoozing!











Contact page